Gender-Based Violence Observatory

At the request of the Prime Minister’s Office, PNIPH supported the Ministry of Women’s Affairs (MoWA) to develop the National Observatory for Gender-Based Violence (GBV). The GBV Observatory contains a wide range of data including demographic information and socioeconomicof victims as well as incident events on primary and secondary perpetrators, type of violence, and the direct and indirect interventions. The system was developed to maintain the confidentiality and security of each case. The Observatory operates using DHIS2 and information is available in both English and Arabic. The GBV Observatory had a ceremonial launch in 2019 with the Ministry of Women’s Affairs, as well as local and international stakeholders. The system itself was launched in 2020 after conducting multiple training workshops for users and finalizing system needs.

Active Users
As of October 2020, the MoWA started enterning information on the system

The Gender-Based Violence Observatory is National System with Multiple Stakeholders. It's a unique combination of Palestinian Ministries, Police as well as local and international NGOs.

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