Family Health Approach

The family health approach is characterized by comprehensive, continuous, integrated, coordinated, collaborative, and personal family and community-oriented services. It provides comprehensive medical and psychosocial care, emphasizing integrated personal care within the family as a unit. Family health services are provided by family doctors who are supported by a multidisciplinary team. As the goal of the family health approach is to ensure high-quality primary care, any adjustments introduced are directed towards creating conditions for improving quality of care. UHC Model The family health approach is a cornerstone of UHC, which is one of the SDG targets, and a national priority for Palestine.

In line with the UN’s Strategic Development Goals and the WHO Global Programme 2021-2023, Palestine has recently adopted the family health approach as a way to provide integrated health services at the primary health care level and advance the universal health coverage agenda. In an effort to advance its vision of scaling up and integrating the family health approach within the national health framework, the Palestinian Ministry of Health (MoH) has prioritized the development of a national health information system (HIS). PNIPH is supporting the MoH to develop the HIS, which will be integrated within the family health approach in the primary health care system.

Family Health Information System (Pilot)

Multiple primary health care programs were created to make up the health information system, specifically the child file, adult file for patients older than 18 years (the family health file), and the family planning file. The NCD patient file was also integrated within the family health file.

The family health Information system allows to have a unique national client/patient record. It allows to track the person from birth to death to adopt a continuum of care approach.

The system contains:

Data Points
Districts (Pilot)

Doctors, nurses, lab technicians, radiologists, pharmacists, general practitioners, and specialists in the clinics will be trained on the system. PNIPH and the MoH will work to build the capacity of care providers to monitor and evaluate NCD outcomes. The system includes multiple dashboard showing national indicators generated from the HIS as well as real time routine statistics. 

Once the system is implemented at the national level Palestine will be able to better report health indicators related to SDGs and compare to international data. 

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