Road Traffic Accidents & Injury Prevention e-Registry

According to the WHO, transport-related injuries are a worldwide leading cause of death and disability for people younger than 40 years old. Road crash surveillance data is considered by the WHO to be a critical public health tool in countries. The National Road Traffic Accidents eRegistry is a web-based application used by health facilities in Palestine for the registration of RTA cases.
Health Facilities
Numbers to date as of early 2021

Understanding the epidemiology of road traffic deaths and injuries in Palestine is essential for informing research and policy making. 

Existing RTA information systems in Palestine have many discrepancies due to the different sources of information used. Therefore, PNIPH, collaborated with multi-sectoral stakeholders to develop a centralized and comprehensive for road traffic casualties.  The RTA eRegistry is being implemented in partnership with the Ministry of Health and the Palestinian Police, and in close cooperation with Palestine Red Crescent Society, Ministry of Transportation, Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics, Medical Relief Society, and EUPOL COPPS.

The Palestinian Police cooperated with PNIPH to identify and support the registry with 60 indicators related to safety and final outcomes of accidents. In the near future, PNIPH will start receiving data from the Police Traffic Department and the MoH through the RTA e-Registry to inform policy and support research, which will ultimately promote safety and help prevent road traffic injuries in Palestine.

As part of the activities of the Arab Road Traffic Week, PNIPH participated in a workshop titled "Towards a comprehensive national road safety strategy" o discuss the steps needed to be taken to review strategies and sectoral plans related to road safety. 

ضمن فعاليات اسبوع المرور العربي ، شارك المعهد في ورشة العمل المتخصصة "نحو استراتيجية وطنية شاملة للسلامة على الطرق" لمناقشة الخطوات الواجب اتخاذها من أصحاب الواجب لمراجعة الاستراتيجيات والخطط القطاعية المتعلقة بالسلامة على الطرق، وصولا الى بلورة استراتيجية وطنية شاملة للسلامة على الطرق انسجاما مع المعايير العامة التي وضعتها منظمة الصحة العالمية، ولاسيما القواعد التي تضمنها العقد الدولي للسلامة على الطرق للأعوام 2011-2020.

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RTA Reports and Publications

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