Mammography e-Registry

In Palestine, breast cancer is ranked the top leading cancer death in women. Early detection and treatment are essential to reduce disease-associated morbidity and mortality.

Accordingly, the MoH launched the national mammogram screening program as a way to support early detection of breast cancer control and increase chances of survival. The program offeres mammography screening for women over 40 years old as well as under women under 40 at-risk women.

In 2013, PNIPH conducted a study to examine the performance of the screening program, and developed the Mammogram e-Registry in close cooperation with the MoH.

The mammogram e-Registry is customized to monitor and track information about all women undergoing mammography screening. The patient file is then saved in a centralized electronic system and has the capability to notifies patients of their upcoming appointments via SMS as a way to increase women’s participation in the program.

Districts in Palestine
Registered Women
Numbers to date as of early 2021

The Mammogram e-Registry helps to: 

  • Indentify risk factors to support risk prediction.
  • Determine women at risk.
  • Provide timely and accurate data, routine statistics, and quality indicators that support screening and breast cancer-related decisions, interventions, and guidelines.
  • Track every woman undergoing screening using a unique identifier, facilitating the follow-up process and the continuum of care for each woman.
Such data is unquestionably vital for adopting evidence-based measures to improve women’s health in Palestine, most importantly in relation to breast cancer.

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