Governance guidance for an eRegistry for maternal and child health: lessons from the occupied Palestinian territory


Background The eRegistry for maternal and child health is an electronic registry system developed for the collection, analysis, retrieval, storage, and dissemination of information on health determinants and outcomes for women and children. The purpose of the eRegistry is to improve health-care provision and public health surveillance in the occupied Palestinian territory. Given the highly sensitive nature of reproductive health information, however, careful attention to ethical and legal considerations is essential. The aim of this study was to map the legal, regulatory, and ethical landscape using a situation analysis tool tailored for the Palestinian context and to identify gaps, opportunities, and actions necessary to ensure an ethical and lawful framework for an eRegistry. 


We used an exploratory situation analysis tool (SAT) to map the current legislative, regulatory, and governance environment in the occupied Palestinian territory. The primary objective was to assess, document, and analyse the legal and ethical landscape. Specific focal topics addressed by the SAT included identifying relevant legislation (eg, civil registration, data privacy, health registries, public health law), existing governance structures, accountability, and oversight bodies (ie, ethical review committees, data protection authorities), and data quality and security policies. The Palestinian National Institute of Public Health (PNIPH) completed the SAT and held workshops for relevant stakeholders, including staff from the ministry of health’s legal affairs department, PNIPH staff, and other legal experts. No ethical approval was required because data were collected from public documents.

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